Water Rich Fruits To Stay Hydrated In Summer

Water Rich Fruits

The oppressive heat and sweltering weather conditions in the summer season can take a toll on our overall health. The scorching sun can lead to dehydration which quickly sucks up crucial electrolytes from your body. Not only staying under the sun but lack of drinking enough water and excessive sweating also dehydrates the body. An easy way to battle the heat is by including fresh water rich fruits. Yes, you could reach for a glass of water if you are feeling parched, but you can also bite into a juicy piece of fruit to help get your hydration fix.

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Consuming fruit can be a sweet way to boost nutrition and help contribute to your body’s overall fluid needs. Even experts suggest that consuming local, seasonal and regional water rich fruits and vegetables is a must, especially during the summer season when we tend to get dehydrated. After all, they are better alternatives to fizzy drinks and smoothies, which are loaded with empty calories. Tweaking your diet and adding these fruits (high in nutrition and water content) to your diet can help you in more than one way.

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Water Rich Fruits


Thanks to its high water content and unique blend of nutritional components, watermelon is considered to be a natural whole food source for hydration and nutrition. It is one of the best water rich summer fruits! Watermelon is also packed with electrolytes, which are key to balancing the amount of water in your body as well as your pH level.

According to Ayurveda, not just the flesh, watermelon seeds are beneficial too. They are cooling, diuretic and nutritive in nature. So, enjoy this tasty, thirst-quenching fruit during the scorching summer days.

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Muskmelon is also a hydrating fruit with 90% water in it. It cools down the body and protects it against heat. It also ensures a good supply of essential vitamins and minerals.

Apart from high water content, muskmelon has a high fibre content also, which makes it an essential fruit for gut health. The fibre content in muskmelon helps in regulating proper bowel movements with a calming and cooling effect on the stomach.


Mangoes are a perfect, juicy, hydrating summer fruit. 81% of the water content is present in ripe mangoes. Mango is a good-to-go summer fruit which brings along a long list of health benefits. It is loaded with nutrients which help us to stay healthy.

Do you know eating raw mangoes helps fight heat stroke? It protects one from the negative effects of very high temperatures. Drinking aam panna reduces the effects of sweltering heat and prevents dehydration by correcting sodium and other mineral imbalances in the body. As vital minerals are depleted into your sweat during summer, raw mango serves as an ideal food to keep your body cool. But don’t forget to soak mangoes before consuming them.

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Lychee has 90% water content. It is a good source of minerals and helps maintain water balance. Lychee is also a good source of vitamin C and helps boost immunity. Eating lychees can keep the symptoms of dehydration at bay.


These sweet berries are low in calories, but high in water, fibre and vitamin C. You’ll be surprised to know that they have more vitamin C than oranges.

Strawberries are versatile in how they can be used and can count toward your water intake. They are made up of 91% water, making them the perfect fruit to quench your thirst and satisfy your sweet tooth. You may enjoy them as a snack on their own, or add them to fruit salads, green salads and smoothies.

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Water Rich Fruits For Summer

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are an extremely hydrating addition to your daily diet as they tend to be made up of about 80% water. Eating plenty of water-rich fruits not only quenches thirst but also helps your body’s systems work properly. Also, these fruits are filling, low-calorie options. Citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, limes and lemons are also high in vitamin C and fibre, and good for supporting the immune system.

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They also assist with digestion, helping with digesting rich and fatty foods, making it easier on our stomach to bear the heat caused in the body by fatty food. Citrus fruits are versatile enough to add to fruit salads, eat on their own, add to water, salads and even as a marinade for proteins, such as chicken or fish.

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Pineapple is a great summer fruit. It helps you stay hydrated, control your appetite, and avoid binge eating. It is an ideal fruit for weight loss also as it is high in fibre and low in calories. Pineapple is a sweet way to eat your water. In case you are feeling parched, instead of reaching for a glass of water, you can also bite into a juicy piece of this fruit to help get your hydration fix.

The perks of pineapple continue: It also contains an enzyme called bromelain, that helps break down proteins and aid in digestion.

Jamun (Java Plum)

Jamun has a very high water content, around 84% along with loads of minerals like phosphorus and iodine. It has astringent properties as well as is high in Vitamin C. These make it a perfect fruit to add up in summer, for glowing and healthy skin. Having Jamuns regularly can help prevent the risk of dehydration. Jamun acts as a coolant that helps cure digestive ailments like diarrhoea, indigestion, and dysentery in the changing weather. It works great in diabetes management.

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Shahtoot (Mulberry)

Shahtoot is the best vitamin shot that you can take to build immunity in the summer season. This soft textured fruit is packed with essential nutrients such as vitamins C & K, iron, calcium, and potassium. It contains high amounts of dietary fibre and flavonoids, which can help to reduce inflammation and improve overall health. 88% of water content in shahtoot works as a great thirst quencher and minimizes the impact of heatstroke.

Phalsa (Sharbat Berry)

Phalsa has a natural cooling effect which makes it a great choice for summer. It can help prevent heat stroke during summer by maintaining body temperature. Phalsa contains abundant amounts of vitamin C, innumerable beneficial trace minerals like sodium and iron, as well as potent antioxidants. It also helps in regulating electrolyte imbalances. Phalsa is great for people with iron deficiency or anaemia as it raises iron levels and helps with feeling tired and dizzy.

Just squeeze out the juice of phalsa, add a bit of jaggery and consume this desi sherbet to get instant relief from the sweltering heat.

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With 96% water content, it is the most ideal fruit to keep yourself hydrated on hot summer days. Cucumber also has immune-boosting and skin-nourishing vitamins and can prevent dehydration. It can also help to detoxify your body and also keeps your skin healthy and beautiful.


In case you didn’t know this already, you’re welcome! Just like cucumber, tomato is ‘not’ a vegetable but a fruit and the one with the highest water content. Tomatoes are rich in immune-boosting vitamins A and C and contain the antioxidant lycopene, which has been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease. Apart from giving a cooling effect, tomatoes help in protecting the skin from sun damage.

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Peaches with up to 89% water content are both sweet and juicy. They are very nutrient-dense and hydrating fruit. Their high water content means that you will have a low-calorie intake and more water consumption, which is important for your health and wellness. This makes peaches the best option for all weight watchers as they keep you full in a healthy way.

Peaches contain a healthy dose of vitamins A and C, are also a great source of antioxidants and fibre, and improve digestion.


This stone fruit is a sweet way to stay hydrated in the summer season. Plums are a rich source of potassium, fluoride and iron, which benefit heart health by controlling heart rate and blood pressure. They help in relieving constipation and also aid in lowering blood sugar levels.

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Bael (Stone Apple)

The bael fruit is a perfect gift of nature for the summer. It is highly nutritious, promotes energy, hydrates and keeps exhaustion at bay in the sweltering hot days. This delightful and soothing detox fruit nourishes the skin too. It works best against sunstroke and other health issues related to the summer season. Bael is high in fibre, vitamins and all other nutrients which are easy to digest and is an excellent summer coolant. Therefore, forget all carbonated cold drinks and switch to refreshing bael sharbat this summer.

You can either snack on them directly or have them in the form of juices, smoothies, milkshakes, yoghurt, chutneys, etc. These fruits can satisfy your cravings and keep you healthy as well. So go on, fill up your grocery cart with these nutritious water rich fruits this summer.

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