Anti Acne Foods: What To Eat To Get Rid Of Pimples

Anti ACNE Foods Get Rid of Pimples

Ever heard the phrase ‘You are what you eat’? Well the notion is true. What you eat directly impacts your skin. Unhealthy and greasy diet may affect skin sebum, leading to the imbalance that causes acne. To encourage healthy skin cell renewal, you need to eat good food. Here I am sharing some skin-friendly anti acne foods that helps you to get rid of pimples and breakouts.

Anti Acne Foods- AVOCADOS

Avocado is a wonder fruit which is full of fiber and essential fatty acids. It is considered to be extremely healthy for the skin. The fatty acids in it prevent the secretion of excess oils from the sebaceous glands. It is also rich in vitamin C, vitamin E and antioxidants. Eating an avocado, not only clears the oil but your skin altogether as it has a variety of acne-clearing powers.

The best part is that it is not only eaten, but can also be applied directly to your skin to get rid of oily secretions.


Do you have a breakout of acne and pimples? Include nuts in your diet. Nuts like walnuts, almonds, peanuts etc. are an excellent source of Vitamin E and contain omega 3 fatty acids. Vitamin E helps in the healing process of the skin and strengthens the cell membranes too which helps in closing the pores. Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and play a great role in reducing the risk of pimples. Make sure to eat in moderation.

So if you want to keep your breakouts to a minimum, munching on some nuts can be a potent solution.


Grapefruits, lemons, oranges and limes are some of the citrus fruits. They all contain one of the most important nutrients, vitamin C. This natural antioxidant, is essential for healthy blood vessels, collagen and for reducing inflamed acne. Citric acid in citrus fruit may help reduce scar severity after acne by helping to make new collagen in your skin. It improves the overall texture of your skin. These fruits flush out the extra oil from your skin, making it healthier.

Anti ACNE Foods Citrus Fruits


This watery fruit contains more than 90% of water in it. Eating cucumber is the best cure to keep your skin hydrated. This high amount of water flushes out the toxins and also helps to reduce the oil clogged in skin pores. Cucumbers are also anti-inflammatory, which helps reduce acne. They are meant to cure the problem of constipation, a symptom which can improve the digestive system, thus preventing oiliness on the skin.


Fish like nuts is a rich source of essential fats- omega-3 fatty acids. The richest sources of omega fatty acids are fishes like sardines, mackerel, tuna and salmon. By eating salmon, you are actually doing your skin a huge favor. It is beneficial for maintaining elasticity of your skin, making it plump and clear. It also helps to tame inflammation and controls oily skin thereby preventing pimples.


If you don’t feel like eating fish, go for the crunchy and delicious dose of seeds. Seeds such as sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds and chia seeds provide a great dose of omega-3 fats which will help reduce inflammation to the skin. They control the production of oily substance called sebum produced by our skin glands. Seeds are full of vitamin E and packed with zinc too.

All these nutrients make them a perfect anti acne diet. You can add seeds to salads or just sprinkle them on smoothies.

Get Rid Of Pimples With Seeds


Banana is another amazing detoxifying agent. It contains a ton of acne-clearing enzymes and acts as a surprisingly potent acne fighter. Vitamin E, phosphates, and potassium in it enhance skin health. It helps in regulating the pores and thus prevent the dirt from entering into your skin and causing oily build-up.

ALSO READ: Banana Benefits: For Fitness And Beauty

Not only banana but it’s peel also works wonder. Banana peels contain starch that helps dry out the excess oil clogging pores. So next time, instead of throwing the peel away, cut it in pieces and rub over to get rid of your oily skin.


Whole grains like brown rice, barley, corns, oats and millets are high in fibers. All these fiber-rich foods help in better digestion process. If you want to keep your skin free from oil and acne, incorporate them in your daily diet.


Add probiotic-rich foods such as kombucha, yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut and pickles, to your diet. They restore a healthy environment by encouraging healthy bacteria to grow in your gut (the gut is a major part of the immune system. In fact, 70% of your immune cells are in your gut). Probiotic foods reduce inflammation and help to get rid of pimples.

Probiotoc Foods for ACNE


I know water is not food but still it is one of the best, cheapest and most effective ways to get rid of acne.

In case of dehydration, kidneys get overloaded with toxins and the body expel them through skin. Actually, when you are dehydrated, these toxins become trapped in the skin and contributes to acne breakouts. So always make sure to drink plenty of pure water each day to flush out toxins from your body. Try opting for coconut water and lemon water as they give instant hydration to your skin and balances oiliness.