Ancient Beauty Secrets That Can Enhance Your Beauty Naturally

7 Ancient Beauty Secrets

When it comes to skincare, I still rely on my grandma’s ancient beauty secrets instead of spending money on fancy facials and pricey products. Although a variety of fancy skincare products like skin creams, moisturizers, night creams, face packs and face scrubs are easily available in the market the best natural beauty secrets for glowing skin and shiny hair are still hiding right in your kitchen. And the best part is that they are chemical-free, skin and hair-friendly, organic, inexpensive, and convenient too! Scroll down and check out what are those ancient beauty secrets that enhance your beauty naturally.

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Ancient Beauty Secrets- Neem (Margosa)

When it comes to skincare, neem is a wonder ingredient. Neem leaves are naturally abundant in bioflavonoids which are antioxidants and are known to protect cells and molecules from damage and signs of ageing. Every part of this sacred plant is beneficial in one or the other way. Neem has antifungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties- all of which are extremely beneficial for your skin and hair.

  • Prepare a neem decoction by boiling a handful of neem leaves in half a litre of water till it turns green. Cool, strain and store in a bottle. This works as a toner! Dip a cotton ball in it and then wipe your face with it. Leave it on overnight. This will help clear acne, scars, pigmentation and blackheads
  • You may add 2 spoons of this neem decoction in yoghurt or cucumber juice. Apply this face pack for 15 minutes to get rid of the oiliness of your face.
  • Mixing a little amount of neem powder with a few drops of grapeseed oil can help you reduce dry skin when applied for 10 minutes.
  • Want to treat dry scalp, dandruff and even hair fall issues? Rinse with the neem decoction after you are done shampooing your hair. You can also massage your hair roots with neem oil.

Ancient Beauty Secrets Neem

Haldi (Turmeric)

Turmeric is one of the best ancient beauty secrets. This golden spice is undoubtedly indispensable in Indian culture. It is loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory component that provide glow and lustre to the skin. This natural antiseptic helps to keep bacteria from spreading and heals the skin faster.

  • For glowing skin, mix a pinch of turmeric with besan and yoghurt and apply for 15 minutes. This pack can also lighten the stretch marks.
  • When combined with apple cider vinegar, turmeric provides astringent properties and plays the same role as your average toner.
  • To get rid of fine lines and wrinkles, mix rice powder, raw milk and tomato juice with a pinch of turmeric. Apply this paste and leave it undisturbed till it dries. This will make you appear youthful!
  • Turmeric can also cure cracked heels. Just apply a paste of coconut oil and turmeric. Leave it on for 15 minutes before taking a shower.

ALSO READ: Turmeric Milk (Haldi doodh) Benefits For Health And Beauty

Kesar (Saffron)

The fragrant spice saffron, known as ‘Kesar’ in Hindi is one of the most expensive spices. Saffron with its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities can help in clearing up acne-prone skin. It helps in lightening and whitening skin tone. Regular application of saffron hydrates the skin and makes it blemish-free.

  • Soak 4 saffron strands with 5-6 fresh basil leaves in clean water, make into a paste and use on breakouts to clear them.
  • Soak some strands of saffron in malai or milk cream overnight. Blend this next morning and contents apply on the tanned area. This will soothe your tanned skin.
  • For a brighter skin tone, take saffron and soak these strands in raw milk for about 30 minutes. Add 1 tsp rosewater in it. Use a cotton ball to dip in the solution and dab on your face.

ALSO READ: DIY Sun Tan Removal Face Packs For Clean And Clear Skin

Kesar And Milk For Glowing Skin


Honey is an antiseptic and packed with antioxidants. It was the most popular ingredient used in ancient beauty secrets. Honey is extremely moisturizing and soothing, so it helps create a glow. Using honey regularly in your beauty routine can give you results beyond your imagination and can go a long way in giving you healthy, younger-looking and glowing skin.

  •  Honey can work as a great exfoliator. Just mix two spoons of honey, with one spoon of baking soda and gently rub the concoction on your face or body in a circular motion. Rinse well. It removes all dead skin while making it softer.
  • Honey promotes healing by decreasing any inflammation which makes it an amazing remedy for sunburns. Mix one part, raw honey, with two parts pure Aloe Vera gel and apply gently to sunburnt skin.
  • For softer, glowing skin, mix honey with an egg white. Once applied, it works as a natural humectant and provides firmness to the sagging dull skin.

Amla (Gooseberry)

Ayurvedic gem Amla or Indian gooseberry is a storehouse of nutrients. It is enriched with vitamin C that can greatly benefit your skin and health. Since ages, women have always used this natural ingredient to attain flawless skin.

  • For smooth and radiant skin, you can mix amla powder, honey and rosewater to make a quick face pack. It delays the effects of premature ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots and gives you a young and supple skin.
  • Amla- Ritha- Shikakai is a centuries-old ayurvedic remedy for long, healthy and shiny hair. Take amla, soapnut (reetha) and shikakai in an iron vessel and boil. Keep it aside overnight. Next day strains the liquid and shampoo with it. This will provide overall nourishment to the hair.
  • Reduce hair fall by mixing 2 teaspoons of amla powder with lemon juice. Mix well and apply to the scalp. Leave it to dry and rinse with warm water.

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Multani Mitti (Fuller’s earth)

Multani mitti is one of the most commonly used ancient beauty secrets. It has gained worldwide popularity because of its beauty benefits. In the Indian culture, women use it often before their wedding to get a natural, radiant glow on their face. From getting smooth and brighter skin to reducing all those dark spots and uneven skin tone- it has a natural solution for all your skin woes.

  • Multani mitti is highly beneficial for oily and acne-prone skin. Just mix multani mitti and rose water till they form a smooth paste. Apply this on your face evenly and leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off after it completely dries. Your skin will become smooth and oil-free.
  • For fair skin tone, mix a tablespoon each of multani mitti, honey, and papaya fruit pulp to form a paste. Apply and get gorgeous with fair skin!
  • Paste of multani mitti and aloe vera gel make a perfect face pack for suntan removal. This pack is great to soothe irritated and tanned skin. The multani mitti helps unclog pores and makes the skin glow too.
  • Multani mitti can be used to solve hair and scalp problems too. For split ends, mix multani mitti with enough curd to make a paste. Apply to hair from root to tips and allow to dry. Rinse with cold water.
  • To boost hair growth, apply a hair pack of multani mitti mixed with aloe vera gel and lemon juice. Allow to dry and wash off with mild shampoo.

Multani Mitti Face Pack For Natural Beauty


Curd has been used on the skin since ancient times. Even Cleopatra from ancient Egypt was known for her daily sour milk baths that kept her skin bright and beautiful. Curd is rich in important nutrients that are good for your skin, including lactic acid, zinc calcium and B-vitamins. The lactic acid in curd exfoliates and moisturizes dry skin to make it smooth. Calcium in curd helps skin from getting dehydrated and thus prevent wrinkles.

  • This age-old homemade pack, made with a mixture of one tablespoon of curd, two tablespoons of besan, one teaspoon of honey and a dash of turmeric can enhance your beauty naturally. Just make a smooth paste and apply evenly on your face for about 15 minutes. This will give you a fair skin tone and moisturise your dry skin naturally.
  • The zinc in the yoghurt helps to soothe sunburnt skin. Just rub 2 tbsp of plain curd over the sunburned area and let sit for about 15 minutes before rinsing off. This will also help to neutralize discoloured skin.
  • For silky and shiny hair, take some plain curd in a bowl, add a dash of lemon juice and honey to it, and apply on your scalp for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash it off with a shampoo.