How To Reduce Thigh Fat Fast: Easy Tips And Tricks

Easy Tips And Tricks How To Reduce Thigh Fat Fast

Do you want to wear your favourite short dress on a dinner date but your bulging thighs won’t let you do so? If yes, don’t worry. The thigh region is known to be the trouble spot for almost every other women. Heavy thighs not only look unsightly but also make it difficult for women to wear their favorite outfits. Here, you will discover what it really takes to reduce thigh fat fast.

Before going further, one thing I would like to add is that you can’t spot reduce! Rather than focusing on your thigh fat, you must strive for overall body weight reduction. As your body fat percentage decreases, so will the fat on your thighs.


By hydration, I doesn’t mean gulping on several sugary drinks like sodas, fruit juices, and other sweetened beverages. By doing so, you will only add hundreds of calories to your day with no other nutrition. To reduce thigh fat fast, make sure to drink 2 to 3 liters of water daily. Apart from being zero calories, water will keep your body hydrated, which also helps with weight loss.

ALSO READ: Weight Loss Secret- Avoid High Calorie Drinks

You can squeeze a lime in plain water to stimulate the weight loss process. Include green tea in your daily diet to get extra dose of antioxidants with minimal calories. To induce satiety, drink a glass of water, especially before meals—filling up on water before eating helps stimulate the metabolism and will suppress hunger too.

Hydrate Body To Reduce Thigh Fat Fast


Eating small meals more frequently during the day increases your metabolism. If you wait for hours between each meal, you are likely to get super hungry and overeat, which will set you back in your fitness goals. Make sure to eat a snack (keep it under 150 calories) in between meals. Your diet should be like-

Snack (optional)

Choose nutritious, whole foods, high in protein and fiber to fill you up and offer energy.


Eating breakfast is one of the most important aspect if you want to reduce thigh fat fast. It is the sure shot way to kick start your metabolism. Skipping this meal of the day makes you feel sluggish, tired, and hungry – causing you to go for unhealthy snacks.

Always start your day with protein rich breakfast instead of having unhealthy fats, refined sugars, and processed foods. Adding more protein keeps you full for longer and you naturally eat less food later. This makes it easier to burn body fat and tone your thighs and hips.


Spot reducing fat from just one area isn’t possible. So, if you want to slim down your jiggly thighs, reduce fat from your entire body. For that you need to create a calorie deficit. The best way is to remove 250 to 500 calories from your daily diet. This will reduce your weight by 1 to 2 pounds per week which is considered as safe weight-loss rate.

Reduce Thigh Fat Fast With ‘CARDIO’

Burn calories to reduce your overall body fat and heart-pumping cardio can help you do that. Cardiovascular exercises are very effective in reducing thigh fat. They can burn hundreds of calories per hour, and especially the one that engages your leg muscles allows you to burn even more calories as muscles are more metabolically active than fat.

Leg-intense cardio like cycling, dancing and swimming can help you to shed the extra pounds from the body as well as the thigh region. Rowing, running, elliptical training, kickboxing, inline skating and brisk walking are several other forms of cardio workout.

Cardio To Reduce Thigh Fat Fast


Cardio isn’t the only solution to reduce the thigh fat fast, strength training is important too. Muscle is actually a good thing! The more muscle you have on your body, the more calories your body burns at rest. So, basically when you strength train, you not only work your muscles, but you boost your metabolism too.

Weight training exercises are an excellent way to give shape and definition to the muscles in your thighs. Remember to strength train your whole body—not just your legs—to burn fat all over.


Once all the fat comes off, you need to tone down the muscles underneath. Perform exercises that target and shape the muscles on your thighs, and butt. Squats, lunges, step ups and deadlifts can not only tone and strengthen your thigh muscles but also make your legs look leaner and slimmer.

Especially, the inner thigh area is very troublesome for almost every woman out there. So, until and unless you play sports like basketball or tennis, which involve lots of side-to-side motion, your inner thigh muscles get very little use and lose their tone. Try these exercises to tone and tighten ‘INNER THIGHS’


Walking or running on an inclined plane targets the thighs and burns more calories than walking on a flat surface. If you are walking on a treadmill, ramp up the incline manually, you’ll start feeling the burn in your inner thighs and glutes. Biking or running uphill, taking the stairs instead of the elevator are some of the great ways to ignite fat burning in your thighs and get your heart pumping faster.

So, the next time you work out, try increasing the treadmill’s tilt instead of increasing speed.

Workout On Inclined Treadmill


Sound sleep could help you lose weight! Wondering how? Lack of sleep produces a hormone called ghrelin (stimulates your appetite) and lowers levels of another hormone called leptin (tells your brain when you are full). Because of the imbalances in these hormones, you’re not going to lose fat, no matter how intensely you’re working out.

Sleepiness makes you snack on unhealthy stuff and also make you too tired to work out. So make sure to take proper sleep to rest and recover from activities, and reshape your body while you’re sleeping.


What is the body shape of your mom? Think about the body shape of your sisters, aunts and grandmother as well. If they all have pear-shaped bodies, then you are likely to be blessed with the one.

Actually where you store that fat is something that’s determined by your genetic body type- not by how hard you work. If that is the case with you, don’t worry, obsess, or stress about it. Although your general body shape can’t change with weight loss, but by following the tips and tricks given here, your thighs will shrink proportionately.