Gajak Benefits: Reasons To Eat This Healthy Winter Sweet

Gajak Benefits

Whether til ke ladoo or gur ki gajak, it is simply impossible to imagine winters in India, without eating our traditional sweets like chikki, gajak, and revdi. As winter approaches, shops start getting stacked with these winter treats. Gajak, a popular winter sweet is available in north Indian states. This crunchy brittle sweet is made from til (sesame seeds) and gur (jaggery), both of which are extremely nutritious for consumption during winters. Today, in this post, I am going to share some incredible gajak benefits!
Apart from keeping us warm during this harsh winter chill, there are a variety of reasons to gorge on gajak. Its ingredients, til and gur are also considered to be one of the richest sources of iron. Gur is something that takes me back to my childhood days. l remember my Nani used to make Gur ki Roti loaded with ghee and saunf (fennel seeds). Even today I start drooling whenever I think of its taste.


Do you know, a small piece of gajak after a meal could kick-start your digestive power? I have been noticing this since childhood, my grandparents always eat gur post dinner and lunch during winters. It really works!
Gajak made of gur activates the digestive enzymes in the body and thus speeds up the procedure of digestion. In the same way, gajak made of til is full of high fiber content and unsaturated fatty acid content. Eating this lubricates the intestines and helps in regulating bowel movement, therefore, cures constipation too.

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Gur Gajak Benefits


Gajak goes a long way in purifying blood. The presence of gur in gajak ensures that the skin stays healthy and glowing all times. Peanuts and gur in gajak make a great combo! Peanuts are rich in Vitamin E, zinc and magnesium which help with cell regeneration by boosting collagen synthesis.
The oil present in sesame seeds can do wonders for your skin. So this winter, instead of munching on matthi, namkeen or biscuits, grab a crunchy til ladoo or gajak as it is naturally packed with antioxidants. During winters, our skin becomes dry and flaky. Gajak not only delays the signs of aging such as wrinkles & dark spots but makes skin soft and supple as well.

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Gajak is a boon for kids who don’t feel like eating fruits! It is full of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients. All these help in boosting resistance against infections, ailments, and diseases, hence building a stronger immunity. So make sure to stay off junk food and eat gajak as a snack as it keeps the immune system healthy. Gur and til are the amazing ingredients of gajak that generate enough heat in the body. And that is something highly needed during the winters, isn’t it? It keeps our body warm and helps treat a cough and cold by controlling the temperature of the body.

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Til Gajak Benefits


If you are feeling a bit low on energy, grab a piece of gajak! The best part is that it is not at all cumbersome to eat or even prepare. Gajak is rich in essential fats too which is good for heart and bones.
Gur in gajak makes it a great energizer and even sesame seeds are great for providing instant energy. If you are an athlete or gymnast, gajak is a great snack for you. Gur is something which is gradually digested and absorbed by the body, unlike white sugar. This means that the levels of sugar in the blood do not get raised immediately.
In fact all the ingredients of gajak- whether it is til, gur, peanuts or dry fruits- all are great at boosting energy levels and helps in getting rid of weakness.

No doubt that these winter treats made from til and gur have a variety of benefits to offer! But keep in mind that these are high in calories too– it contains approximately 4 kcal/gm. So make sure to keep your portion size in control while eating these sweets otherwise you can gain weight too!