Dark Chocolate Benefits- How To Choose The Best One

Benefits Of Dark Chocolate

Who doesn’t love chocolate? When it comes to a beloved treat, chocolate is a common favourite. But before you grab a chocolate candy bar or slice of chocolate cake, it’s important to understand that not all forms of chocolate (especially milk chocolate that is loaded with other fats and sugar) contain high levels of flavanols. To all the chocolate lovers out there, rejoice! Dark chocolate is not a guilty pleasure. Luckily, there are myriad reasons that make this treat nearly guilt-free (in moderation, of course) and improve your well-being in many ways. Made from the seed of the cacao tree, it’s one of the best sources of antioxidants you can find. So, without giving a second thought, make this bittersweet treat a superfood favourite! Now, take a look at what dark chocolate benefits offer.

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Dark Chocolate Benefits

Lowers Blood Pressure

A healthy diet, exercise, and losing excess weight are important for lowering high blood pressure. But eating a small amount of dark chocolate daily is a dietary change that reduces blood pressure efficiently. Dark chocolate contains at least 50 to 70 per cent cocoa and incorporating it into your diet is a great way in lowering your high blood pressure! The flavonoids in dark chocolate have been found to produce nitric oxide, which causes blood vessels to relax and thus helps.

Make sure to avoid overindulging as it might blow your calorie budget, and packing on pounds could raise blood pressure. So portion control may help you have your dark chocolate and reap its health benefits.

Improves Brain Power

Dark chocolate is known to improve the function of the brain. Eating high flavanol cocoa for 5 days increases blood flow to the brain and thus helps in improving learning, memory, and focus. Increased cerebral flow may help prevent mental decline in seniors. The flavonoids in dark chocolate have been shown to increase performance in specific tasks, boost general alertness and problem-solving skills over a short period.

Protects Against Cancer

When it comes to fighting cancer, the answer is simple: Cocoa! Dark chocolate contains cocoa that may help prevent cancer in many ways, including preventing DNA damage, lowering inflammation, and inhibiting cell proliferation.

In combination with a pleasurable eating experience, cocoa products may offer strong antioxidant effects. Cocoa may help prevent cancer but those undergoing chemotherapy should avoid it because of its antioxidant effects. Some antioxidants might interfere with some types of chemotherapy.

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Improves Cholesterol

Including dark chocolate in your routine can improve several important risk factors for heart disease. Dark chocolate, as it contains more cocoa than other palatable chocolate products, has higher amounts of flavonoids. Flavonoids are more likely to exert a protective effect against heart disease.

Cocoa powder is found to significantly increase HDL (good) cholesterol and lower total LDL (bad). But, that doesn’t mean you should eat it with every meal. If you’re serious about lowering your cholesterol, eating dark chocolate should be part of a change toward a healthier lifestyle. Make sure to choose products with a high cocoa content that have the least amount of processing.

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Boosts Immune System

Want to give your immune system a boost? Here’s a tasty treat: eat a small amount of dark chocolate! Antioxidant-rich dark chocolate with at least 50 to 70 per cent cacao can provide stronger protection against influenza virus infection. It also enhances blood flow, improves gut health, and eases stress — all effects that may indirectly strengthen your immune system.

Dark chocolate with higher levels of flavonoids (a class of antioxidants) can protect our cells from damage and reduce inflammation.

Prevents Depression & Improves Mood

Studies have shown that eating dark chocolate can help reduce anxiety and improve symptoms of clinical depression. The higher concentration of flavonoids, antioxidant chemicals in dark chocolate improve inflammatory profiles, which are responsible for the onset of depression.

Dark chocolate is widely reported to have mood‐enhancing properties. It can be a feel-good indulgence. The existence of fatty acids (stearic and palmitic acids) along with health-enriching flavonoids in dark chocolate has the potential to increase neural activity in parts of the brain linked to pleasure thus making one happier and better.

Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

One of the most widely believed myths about living with type 2 diabetes is that all sweets are off-limits. Fortunately, some sweets are safe! In the case of dark chocolate, a moderate amount may even bring significant health benefits.

Consumption of dark chocolate is associated with positive effects on two key factors in developing diabetes- insulin sensitivity and blood sugar. Polyphenols in dark chocolate may improve insulin sensitivity, or how well insulin works in the body. This, in turn, may help control blood sugar.

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Dark Chocolate Benefits

Prevents Stroke

Dark chocolate, one of your favourite and most decadent snacks, has been strongly associated with a reduced risk of stroke. Cocoa beans have been scientifically proven to provide antioxidant effects, which is important in counteracting the brain damage induced by a stroke.

It may even lower the risk of death after suffering a stroke. Prescription blood thinners or anticoagulants are the only treatments proven to prevent stroke, so make sure not to replace them with chocolate.

Fights Ageing

Dark chocolates can reverse ageing! Eating dark chocolate can increase circulation in the skin and make it more radiant by boosting elasticity and improving hydration. All of these help in delaying the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Dark chocolate’s incredible antioxidant qualities can aid in combating DNA mutilation which results in ageing symptoms like greying hair, wrinkles, dark spots and pigmentation.

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Keeps Skin Healthy & Glowing

You can achieve smoother skin by taking dark chocolate daily in moderate quantities. Flavanols in dark chocolate can support your skin in looking its best. They fight free radicals and reinforce blood flow thus elevating skin hydration and providing skin with a glow. Flavonoids in chocolate help reflect harmful UV rays off your skin, preventing sunburn and conditions like skin cancer. Dark chocolate also helps fight skin discolouration.

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Contributes to Weight Loss

Dark chocolate is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) which stimulate metabolism to burn fat. Its high satiety value can help you feel fuller for a longer time and thus curb cravings. This way, you may be less tempted to gorge on snacks which can become a factor for weight loss.

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Certain tips to keep in mind while buying dark chocolate are:

Not all chocolate is created equal. Before buying, keep in mind, it’s the polyphenol-rich dark chocolate that contains antioxidants, and the higher percentage of cocoa yields better health advantages.

Remember, the darker it is, the more beneficial it will be. Always go for less-processed kinds that contain a minimum of 70 per cent cacao. The rest of the sweet bars are stripped of the beneficial flavonoids to give them a more consumer-friendly taste. It is normal to find great taste disparities from bar to bar. It all depends on the kind of beans employed to manufacture the chocolate.
But moderation is key! Yes, Dark chocolate, like other chocolates, is still high in calories and can lead to weight gain. But in small amounts, it can fit into a well-balanced diet.

So, you can enjoy and savour a square or two of dark chocolate each day and relax knowing that you are doing something great for your body. Also, be careful about the type of dark chocolate you choose: chewy caramel-marshmallow-nut-covered dark chocolate is by no means a heart-healthy food option. Watch out for those extra ingredients that can add lots of extra fat and calories.